Вчера ради интереса еще раз переспросили. Так вот, по словам того же Маркуса, на тестах ничего хорошего не было. И пока минусов больше, чем плюсов. Плюсь только один - мотор, а во всем остальном работы еще очень и очень много.
да, он примерно так и Культе в интервью сказал :
- The car felt pretty good in the tests and it will become a cool project, Grönholm said.
– The first year would still be just developing and testing the car. You won't race for the victory with them yet. I'm sure Mini will become good by time but those two other teams (Ford and Citroen) have a huge advantage since they have been driving so much with their new cars.
– It's not fun when you are driving for the 5th position, Grönholm says.